The Harbour

Welcome to The Harbour 

Harbour Video Guide

River View Primary School hosts a fifty place Resource Provision. The children given places here travel in from all over Salford and have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP). Pupil places are arranged by Salford's SEND team and pupils placed will have a diagnosed speech and language disorder as identified by a speech therapist or ASD. 

River View Resource Provision provides a specialist learning environment for children with speech and language difficulties. This includes regular support from a speech therapist and regular support in school to work towards speech therapy targets.  Specialist teaching and intensive speech therapy continues until children become competent and confident in the use of language. 

The children in the Resource Provision receive the specialist help they need whilst also having the opportunity to integrate into mainstream classes.  This ensures access to a broad and balanced curriculum as well as giving the opportunity to develop socially and emotionally alongside their peers.

More information about the local speech therapy offer can be found on: 


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